Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

Review Seruni Hotel Cisarua Puncak Bogor

If we looking into the name which is “Hotel Seruni” there’s nothing that may not attract us nor brought up our curiosity to take a peek on this place. It is too common, like the ordinary villas that scatter around puncak area, it is very common and very typical, such as “Villa Mawar” or “Villa Kemuning” or whatever that may drive us to imagine a private own modest building with sober facility, in “a bit” quarter from main street.

But this one is different, It is a “huge” complex consisting two hotels which is Seruni #1 and Seruni #2 has at least three stars quality or equivalent, you may find a hotel with clean guestroom, four stars class amenities, two large resto, one of them is Japanese restaurant, two large swimming pool, Jacuzzi, sauna & spa with large function rooms, equip with very huge, well prepare and very decorated garden with colorful flowers.

Hotel with Unique decorations, it’s mixed between Balinese, Thai and Modern Chinese style – that remind me to large houses around mangga besar or surroundings. I say is a “flustering Style”

The most fascinating part of this hotel is their park, seems that They want to dump everything that they though are intersting here. It is what I called an "Es Shanghai Concept", You'll find a large pond with waterfountain equip with big Swan statues in each corners - that will be good if the fountain has music and able to dance like the one in front of Bellagio Condominium in Mega Kuningan, there are two large artifical running water falling from top of the hill going through the valley with very unique design, mixed with scatter small padi fields mixed with several fruit plants and colorfull flowers, some gazebos that may be use for open air SPA, eventhough I wonder who wants to be massage in such openess just next to children playground?

We just spent our weekend here, just to get a bit escape from daily routine, a day after Chinese New Year, but unfortunately it is a rainy day and has very thick fog almost all the time. So here we are, stuck in the hotel, but I managed to get few pictures during “clear weather” that we can have several times, just few minutes each.

In summary, this hotel is very recommended! Specially for Puncak area that you may not have to much choice unless you go to Puncak Pass Resorts or Taman Safari Garden Hotel. It is located in the same main road that heading to Taman Safari Indonesia from the main road, but there will be a small road climbing to the left after you go for about 1km from Jl. Raya Puncak (the main junction to Taman Safari Indonesia). There is a signboard that pointing to the small road to the hotel. You have to follow the concrete road about 700m before you reach the hotel gate in the left side of the road. In a glance, the hotel gate is not interresting – only a small building with a medium size parking lot in the front, but don’t worry! You may find a huge Hotel Complex behind.

One more thing, they have "Barongsai" attraction during this Chinese New Year that may attract lot of hotel guests.

In Short terms, this hotel is very recommended!

You may find the hotel information here.
Jl. Pirus, Kampung Baru
Tegal Cibereum 16750

Seruni I - Pangrango
Telp. 0251-251111 (hunting)
Faks. 0251-258171
Seruni II - Gunung Gede
Telp. 0251-259988 (hunting)
Faks. 0251-250575

Telp. 021-8305877-79, 8281093
Faks. 021-8299002

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